What is the new ac standard for 2023?

In the Southeast and Southwest, the minimum SEER depends on the size of the unit. Units larger than 45,000 BTU require a minimum of 14.5 SEER. The Department of Energy (DOE) will raise minimum efficiency standards for air-source heat pumps and central air conditioners starting next year. The higher minimum levels are based on a new Department of Energy testing standard, which takes into account new external static pressure conditions that better reflect the conditions real.

In addition, if your old system needs repair, your heating and air conditioning technician may need help accessing compatible parts, as the industry is introducing obsolete technologies. This is done by measuring the average EER over a range of indoor and outdoor temperatures, and at different humidity levels, to simulate the length of an entire season. Larger cooling units, such as minisplits and central air systems, use the SEER, which provides a more accurate assessment of their efficiency. On the contrary, the SEER presents a more complete measurement when determining efficiency throughout the refrigeration season, through a fluctuating range of temperatures and humidity levels.

If your air conditioning equipment is in good condition and meets your heating and cooling needs, there is no need to buy a new one that meets new industry standards. Most HVAC equipment, including central air conditioners and gas ovens, require significant amounts of electricity to operate. In short, the EER measures the efficiency of the air conditioning unit at times of maximum cooling operation, which represents the hottest time of the year. However, consumers and contractors who wish to install a new air conditioner, a heat pump or any of the devices mentioned above next year must meet the new minimum SEER2 qualifications.

This change doesn't necessarily affect consumers, other than providing them with a slightly better estimate of their potential energy consumption when purchasing new HVAC equipment. The federal government won't require you to replace your old heat pump or air conditioner when minimum standards change next year. Be sure to schedule HVAC maintenance appointments in spring and fall to keep your system running at its most efficient. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment will take a big step forward in terms of efficiency and respect for the environment next year in the U.S.

UU. Meanwhile, in all regions of the country, split-system heat pumps require a SEER of 15 and an HSPF of 8.8 (seasonal heating performance factor), while a packaged heat pump requires a SEER of 14 and an HSPF of 8.

Mario Adragna
Mario Adragna

Professional social media specialist. Unapologetic twitter maven. Freelance tv ninja. Alcohol specialist. Incurable social media practitioner. Freelance beer aficionado.

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