Why is duct tape not a good product to use to seal ductwork?

The adhesive tape can adhere to even the toughest surfaces and is able to withstand many things. But it does not withstand extreme temperature changes in air ducts well. Heating cycles can cause the adhesives on the adhesive tape to break. Over time, the adhesive tape weakens and ends up falling off right away.

During World War II, before it was called duct tape, the U.S. military purchased quantities of fabric-backed rubber tape for emergency repairs on the battlefield. In the film industry, it's called adhesive tape and it's used for everything from connecting cables to securing sets. However, contractors should not use it for structural purposes, such as suspending ductwork, although this legal restriction is often met in the case of non-compliance.

Sherman and Walker also performed a baking test in which the sample joints were baked at temperatures of 140 to 187 F (60 to 75 C). In many parts of the U.S. In the US, attic temperatures can easily reach 150 degrees F. As for the near-total failure of the current generation of adhesive tapes, Walker says: “There's no reason to believe that adhesives and methods of constructing adhesive tapes can't be reformulated to work better at temperatures higher.

Meanwhile, there are products on the market that meet industry standards and also have good sealant durability. Given their other advantages, Sherman and Walker would like to see better quality adhesive tape, as well as an improved grading system. Both putty sealant and aluminum foil tape are good options for sealing air ducts. Despite the name “dust tape”, never seal air ducts with adhesive tape.

It just doesn't hold up. It's ideal for fixing broken broom handles, making holes in the shoulder bag and keeping cardboard boxes closed, but it's practically useless in real ducts. Most basic adhesive tapes stick to just about anything, and this becomes a problem pretty quickly when it comes to ductwork. While you can try sealing your air ducts yourself, for the most complete duct sealing, contact a professional HVAC technician.

The aerosol sealing system developed at the EETD in the Berkeley laboratory was tested many times longer than the others. Adhesive tape tends to work better on round ducts than on the sharp, uneven corners of rectangular ducts. It aims to provide better adhesion and strength compared to options such as adhesive tape, which eliminates the problems we have mentioned so far. Air ducts are an important part of your air conditioning system because they work to distribute air throughout the house.

So if your ducts have sealing problems or leaks, what should you do about it? In fact, there are certain types of tape that are designed for this process, namely professional quality tapes that are metallized and have fabric as part of their material. BERKELEY -- You can keep the armband of your pants away from the bicycle chain with adhesive tape; if you need a belt, you can use it to tie money around your belly.

Mario Adragna
Mario Adragna

Professional social media specialist. Unapologetic twitter maven. Freelance tv ninja. Alcohol specialist. Incurable social media practitioner. Freelance beer aficionado.

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